Design of Placement Brochure and Presentation Deck for VAMNICOM
The Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management, VAMNICOM, Pune is a national level apex Co-operative Management Institute under Ministry of Cooperation, Government of India. The Institute is adjudged as one of the top sectoral B-Schools within first five in India by various B-Schools Surveys. VAMNICOM has international Memorandum of Understanding with counterpart academic organisations of countries of Malayasia, Thailand, Srilanka, Nepal, Bangladesh for field study exchange programme for students.
During the campus placement season of the year 2020, the institute reached out to Sktched Marketing to design their placement brochure and a PowerPoint presentation deck. The idea was to build a unique communication vehicle that would instantly capture the imagination of potential recruiters and leave a lasting impression about the institute's pedagogy, approach and focus.